FAQs - Webinar for the Flexible AI Upskilling Fund Pilot 01.05.docx

FAQs for the Flexible AI Upskilling Fund Pilot

What training is eligible?

In your application, you will be asked to outline what training course you will use to upskill your employees as funding can only be spent on eligible training. We intend to allow a wide range of training, courses, and certifications to be eligible. To be eligible, the activity must meet all the following criteria:

  1. Is related to core AI skills sets and support the adoption of AI in the workplace. These will include Machine Learning, Natural Language Programming, Data Science, etc. A full list of skills is included in Annex A. 2. Starts no earlier than the date that the Grant Funding Agreement is signed by both parties (expected July 2024) and end no later than 31 March 2025. We are unable to fund training that extends beyond 31 March 2025 or retrospective activity. 3. Is delivered by an eligible training provider. This is a provider that is (i) registered in the UK, (ii) is at least one years old, and (iii) meets any one of the following criteria: (iiia) is registered on the UK Register of Learning Providers, (iiib) is an organisation listed in Annex B, or (iiic) is accredited by one of the organisations in Annex B. 4. Is not already subsidised by government for employers. For example, Skills Bootcamps are not eligible. 5. Is not delivered by your own company to your own employees. For example, training delivered in-house is not eligible.

How much funding is available?

Applicants can apply for a maximum amount of funding depending on the size of their business, set out in the table below. The aim of the scheme is to subsidize the cost of AI skills training up to a ratio of 1:1. For example, a small-sized business can apply for up to £5,000 of grant funding to pay for 50% of AI skills training which costs £10,000. If the training cost £8,000, the applicant could only apply for £4,000 of grant funding.

| Business type | Headcount | Turnover or balance sheet total | Funding available (per applicant) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Micro | 1-9 | less than or equal to €2 million or €2 million | £2,500 | | Small | 10-49 | less than or equal to €10 million or €10 million | £5,000 | | Medium sized | 50-249 | less than or equal to €50 million or €43 million | £10,000 |

Is there any preference for training providers? Will there be a list of training providers, or is it completely open for SMEs to choose training providers?

We understand that SMEs are often best placed to understand their own training needs and there is a wide variety of training that sits outside the traditional government provision, which we want to help access. SMEs are able to choose their own training provider, as long as it meets our criteria. (See ‘What training is eligible?’)

We have published guidance to help you understand both your AI skills needs and to help you find suitable training. See: https://www.turing.ac.uk/skills/collaborate/ai-skills-business-framework for guidance on understanding your AI skills needs; and Annex C in the application guide for help choosing the right training provider: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/flexible-ai-upskilling-fund

What is the minimum number of applications to go forward with the Randomised Control Trial (RCT) evaluation?

This is still being decided, with refinements to the exact methodology of the programme to be confirmed once all applications are received and assessed. The decision regarding progression with an RCT will be taken in June, with all who have applied being informed both of the success of their application and whether it was selected for the RCT.

How can I verify if my organisation, location and size is eligible?

An eligible business must meet all of the following criteria: